September 2022

Welcome back! The art room is buzzing with creativity. Keep reading to find out what we have been up to.

Welcome to the art studio! (First day selfie)

Star, Rainbow and Sun Room classes are just completing their “Original Works” drawings. They create a drawing that families can order on things like mugs, aprons, etc. Students are encouraged to use bright colors and create something that will be fun for them to draw. The procedure we used this year is to sketch with pencil first, trace the pencil lines with Sharpie marker, then color the rest of the piece with marker or colored pencils.  Families should be able to order by mid-October. Keep an eye on the Wednesday Word for updates. 4th-8th Grade classes are invited to participate as well, doing the drawing is optional. Check out the photos of some of the students working below:

2nd grade drawing for Original Works
Star Room drawing for Original Works
Star Room Drawing for Original Works

4th – 8th Grade started the school year with task parties! I started by putting about 100 tasks printed on pieces of paper and folded into squares into a basket. The students randomly pick a task, do it, then write a new task for the basket and start over. A couple examples of tasks include “Make a crown and crown somebody”, “Turn a chair into a monster”, “Do a drawing while sitting under the table”, “Make a cast and tell a story about how you broke the bone” and “Make a burger and fries”. Students needed to be very creative with some of these! There were a variety of art supplies available. Afterwards we talked about the process and shared what was made. They watched a short video about the origins of the task party with artist Oliver Herring. Check out the photos from different classes below:

8th Grade Envelope Challenge. Developing our creativity is a key component of school and problem solving. Art class is a natural place to start. I gave each 8th grader and envelope with a small selection of materials. Their task was to make something with it. Everyone got the same supplies and were invited to add marker, pencil, glue or tape. Students could share or trade supplies as needed or work collaboratively. We ended up with a very diverse selection of creations that we shared at the end of class. Please see the photos below to see how it turned out!

Other Activities:

Star Room – The big focus for September was just getting used to being in the art room and all the little procedures. I read a couple fun books to the class including “Beautiful Oops” by Barney Saltzberg, about how a mistake in one’s art can become something incredible. “I Am an Artist” by Marta Altés, about a misunderstood and very messy child artist. “Red, A Crayon’s Story” by Michael Hall, about a blue crayon with a red label trying to figure out who they are. And, “The Art Teacher is Weird” by Geoff Schmidt, a fun story about embracing our individuality in the art room. Students also learned how to photograph their work for their digital portfolio “SeeSaw” (parent links coming soon), glue skills (think applying baby dots to avoid glue monsters), how to collage with overlapping using cut or torn paper, collage using magazines, patterned paper, and drawing. Paint is coming next!

Star Room Collage (torn paper)
Star Room Collage (cut paper)

Rainbow and Sun Room – I started the year by reading the book “I Am an Artist” by Marta Altés. It’s hilarious! I laughed out loud reading it the first time by myself. I think books like this lighten the mood and allow us to create in a free fashion. Students also learned how to photograph their work for their digital portfolio “SeeSaw” (parent links coming soon). The app is a little different this year and I think it is easier to use. Collage was introduced as well as the much adored Cardboard Sculpture. We are swimming in creativity!

Rainbow Room Collage
Rainbow Room Collage
Sun Room Collage
Sun Room Collage

East Enders and Skylights – One of my first classes with these groups started with the short film “Alike” by Daniel Martinez Lara. It’s an animated story about the importance of art and creativity. Everyone loved it and we had a thoughtful conversation afterwards about it’s meaning and symbolism. The students were also introduced to their sketchbooks and a discussion of how and why artists use them. The 4/5 spend a class decorating the covers and drawing inside them. The classes also had a refresher lesson on how to use SeeSaw (some changes this year) and some basic guidelines when working with cardboard.

East Ender Sketchbook
Skylight Sketchbook

Middle School – All the middle school students started the year by discussing how the agreement system looks in the art room and rules for using the class iPads. The 6th graders were given new hardbound sketchbooks which they spent a class or two decorating with paint pens. All the middle school students started their first big assignment: To create a work of art from an imagination-based genre that expresses a strong emotion using some of the elements of art and principles of design. We reviewed the elements and principles and I shared a slide show of fun, inspiring, imaginative works. Students answered some guiding questions to get started in their sketchbooks and started working out their ideas. This project will continue until Thanksgiving.

6th Grade Sketchbook
6th Grade Sketchbook

Farm School

I made my first trip to Synergy Middle School Farm School this year. It’s so gorgeous out there! I brought a variety of watercolor supplies: paper, pencils, sharpies, liquid watercolor, spray bottles, droppers and paper straws. I talked with the 6th and 7th graders about finding inspiration in the land and structures around us and demonstrated some new techniques. Liquid watercolor in a spray bottle comes out much like spray paint and makes for a wonderful background. Also, leaves and sticks work great as stencils. They also learned to apply the paint with a dropper and use a straw to blow the paint around their paper. Of course there were brushes for working more traditionally too. The Sharpies work well because they don’t smear when they come in contact with the water. Everyone found their own way to work with the materials and the results were fun.

Painting at Farm School
Drawing at Farm School
Farm School Art
Farm School Art
Farm School Art

Examples of original works drawings from K-6!

Star Room
Star Room
Rainbow Room
Rainbow Room
Sun Room
Sun Room
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade

The Art Studio is Up and Running!


Greetings Everyone! Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! Art class started just over 3 weeks ago and we are up to all sorts of things!

All the classes have reviewed what the Agreement System looks like in art class. We discussed things like what participation means in the studio and how we can create a safe space.

K-3 is coming to the end of the Original Works project. They create a drawing that families can order on things like mugs, aprons, etc. Students are encouraged to use bright colors and create something that will be fun for them to draw. The procedure we used this year is to sketch with pencil first, trace the pencil lines with Sharpie marker, color the rest of the piece with colored pencil, and brush with watercolor paints (optional).  The order forms will be going home in the first couple weeks of October. Keep an eye on the Wednesday Word for updates.

4/5 has been revisiting procedures for taking out and putting away art supplies. They have been decorating their sketchbooks, drawing in their sketchbooks, creating artist trading cards (to trade with each other), and painting.

6thgrade is starting a project using the “Big Idea” concept of Time. They are brainstorming ideas, creating thumbnail sketches and starting final pieces. These works will be black and white (charcoal, sharpie, graphite pencil).

7thgrade is about to start their first project “Artists Observe” which is one of the Studio Habits of Mind that we discuss in the art room. I don’t want to say too much yet, because they won’t start until after farm school.

8thgrade is starting a project called “Artists Express Big Ideas”. We talked about what big ideas are, subjects that can be explored and expressed in a great many ways. After several brainstorming activities the students will choose a big idea to express in dry drawing media and collage.

Art Club has started! 4-8thgrade students are invited to come to the art studio to eat lunch and make art every Tuesday. The month of September is open for the children to come and check it out. In October they will decide if they want to join.

The Original Works project is optional for 4-8th grade. It should mostly be completed on their own time because we have other projects happening in their classes right now. If an upstairs student wants to participate, their art needs to be back to me my September 30th.

In other news, I have been creating YouTube tutorials for a flipped classroom approach. The goal is to have a place for art instruction that can be accessed outside of school and not take up too much class time with demos of things they may have learned in previous years. I’m not looking to be the next internet sensation (LOL) but provide resources that the students can come back to as needed. I will share the videos in PowerSchool as they apply to middle school projects. Here is the link:

Happy Creating!
